
Smart mobility for a good cause

Smart mobility is the standard in 2040. Everything will be connected, smart and driving autonomously. The Fietsersbond is committed to a central place for bicycles in that smart mobility. An important basic principle of smart mobility is that more people start exercising, cycling and walking. Moreover, it should improve traffic safety.

Smart mobility
Beeld-auteur: Harry Gijsman

No matter how smart self-driving cars are, the space they take up can be at the expense of pedestrians and cyclists. That is why the Fietsersbond remains critical with regard to an excessively technocratic implementation of smart mobility. The Fietsersbond pleas for the autonomy of people and the human dimension and considers vehicle autonomy to be secondary to that. We want to use smart mobility to force safe speeds for motorised traffic – and the fastest bicycles – in places where this is necessary. The principle for this is: the larger and heavier the vehicle, the lower the speed that is necessary. In 2040, the speed in the built-up area, save for a few entry and exit roads, is limited to 30 kilometres per hour. The focus on speed and vehicle loss hours (travel time loss as a result of a limitation in road capacity) is shifted to accessibility for all Dutch people. The proximity of a multitude of facilities is more important to us in 2040 than shortening the travel time of people who travel by train or car a lot.

Self-driving vehicles offer an intermediate form between passenger cars and public transport. The starting point for the Fietsersbond is that these vehicles adapt to the circumstances and not the other way around. We do not accept a new dominance of cars, not even if they are smart or autonomous. Vehicles that take up too much space and offer no incentive to move more are left at the outskirts of the city, after which people continue their journey on a suitable vehicle (the bicycle).

All forms of transport, including the bicycle, will collect more and more data, including about accidents, vibrations, acceleration patterns and route choice. This data can be used to improve cycling or strengthen the cycling lobby, but also for commercial purposes. This means the cycling policy is no longer supply-oriented – conceived from behind a desk – but demand-oriented: based on the preferences of cyclists. Important is that the user of a connected vehicle is always aware of the data collection and can determine whether it is on or off. The cyclist owns his or her data and decides whether or not to share it. The Fietsersbond is committed to ensuring this in collaboration with others.

We use technology to make cycling more attractive. Thanks to GPS transmitters, bicycle theft has been reduced significantly and thanks to transmitters, bicycles and cars can recognise each other at intersections. However, we must be careful not to lose the relative simplicity of the bicycle as a means of transport. Cycling without electronics and data collection is also still possible. Let the bicycle also be the place where you can be offline. From old-fashioned granny bikes with coaster brakes to smart cargo bikes: they are all members of the FietsFamilie.


Cycle Vision 2040

The future of Dutch cycling, according to the Fietsersbond. Lees meer